Beyond Your Default

Work in Progress: George + Liz on Vulnerability, Consistency + Worth

Written by Liz Moorehead | Aug 21, 2024 11:30:00 AM


In this episode of Beyond Your Default, George and I are doing something that’s become a bit of a tradition around here—our third check-in episode. Every 15 to 20 episodes, we hit pause on the usual programming and take a step back to see how we’re really doing. It’s our chance to get honest, sometimes painfully so, about our personal growth journeys.

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These check-ins are one of my favorite parts of the podcast because they force us to pull back the curtain and show you what’s really going on behind the scenes. It’s not always pretty, and it’s definitely not perfect, but that’s the whole point. We want to show you that this process isn’t a straight line—it’s more like a rollercoaster, with plenty of twists, turns, and unexpected drops along the way. And let's be real, sometimes those drops are downright terrifying.

But here's the thing: we don't just do this for ourselves. We do it for you, our listeners, because we believe in the value of transparency. We want you to see the reality of what it means to move beyond your default settings, to challenge your own programming, and to step into a more intentional life. So, whether you're someone who thrives on structure or needs a little push to keep going, this episode is for you.

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This episode is one of those honest, sometimes uncomfortable, but ultimately enlightening conversations that I believe we all need to have with ourselves. We’re not just talking at you—we’re inviting you into the conversation. Whether you’re the kind of person who thrives on structure or you’re someone who needs a little nudge to stay on track, there’s something here for you.

So grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and join us as we get real about where we’ve been, where we’re headed, and what it means to keep pushing beyond your default

Personal Growth Topics We Cover

self-worth, vulnerability, personal growth, positive selfishness, consistency, balancing preparation, flexibility, mindset shift, personal development, boundaries, self-care, growth mindset, mental resilience, work-life balance, emotional intelligence, self-reflection, intentional living, goal setting, self-improvement, overcoming challenges, storytelling, transparency, life journey, embracing discomfort, authenticity

Highlights from Our Conversation

  • The Evolution of Self-Worth: George hits me with a big one—how has my relationship with self-worth evolved over the past year? I get candid about starting this journey from a place where I barely believed in my own voice and how, step by step, I’ve come to see value in the things that make me uniquely me. Spoiler: It’s been a wild ride, and I don’t hold back in sharing the ups and downs.

  • The Dance Between Preparation and Flexibility: George opens up about the constant tug-of-war between being prepared and staying flexible, especially when it comes to creating content for this podcast. We talk about how this tension plays out in his life and why it’s so crucial to find that balance. If you’ve ever struggled with over-preparing or feeling like you need to go with the flow, this part is for you.

  • “Positive Selfishness” and Why It’s Essential: We dive into the concept of selfishness—but not in the way you might think. George talks about how he’s learning to carve out time for himself in a way that’s actually positive and necessary for his well-being. It’s about filling your own cup so you can better serve others, and trust me, this is a perspective shift you’ll want to hear.

  • The Power of Vulnerability: Vulnerability is often talked about but not always fully understood. George and I revisit this concept as a transformative superpower, discussing how leaning into vulnerability has allowed us to grow in ways we never expected. We get into the nitty-gritty of what it really means to tear down those walls and let others in, and why it’s so worth it, despite the discomfort.

  • Mastering Consistency Through Choosiness: Consistency is key, but here’s the catch—you can’t be consistent if you’re saying yes to everything. I share how I’ve learned to become more selective about where I invest my time and energy, and how that’s been a game-changer in my ability to stay consistent. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stretched too thin, this discussion might just help you refocus.

  • Reflections on the Past Year: As we look back on this year of podcasting, we share the biggest surprises and lessons learned along the way. From the unexpected challenges to the moments of clarity, we talk about what we’ve discovered about ourselves and each other, and what we’d tell ourselves if we could go back to the start of this journey.

Soundbites from the Episode

“Vulnerability isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a transformative superpower.”Liz Moorehead

“It’s funny how discomfort, which we naturally want to avoid, is often the very thing that pushes us to grow.”George B. Thomas

“You can’t be consistent if you’re saying yes to everything. It’s about being choosy with your time and energy.”Liz Moorehead

“At some point, you have to stop telling the worst version of your story to yourself and start living.”Liz Moorehead

“Positive selfishness is about filling your own cup so you can better serve others.”George B. Thomas

“I was built to be different my whole life, and now I see worth in that.”Liz Moorehead

“I realized I had too many yeses in my life. Consistency requires focus and clarity.”Liz Moorehead

“The tension between preparation and flexibility is real, but finding that balance is key.”George B. Thomas

“If you’re overwhelmed, it might be time to refocus and get choosy about where your energy goes.”Liz Moorehead

“The journey of self-worth has been a rollercoaster, but I’m finally seeing the value in who I am.”Liz Moorehead

“I’m learning to live a life with no walls, just boundaries. It’s about letting people in and embracing vulnerability.”George B. Thomas

“You have to be willing to swim in the chaos of your mind to uncover the things that matter.”George B. Thomas

“These check-ins are about pulling back the curtain and showing the messy reality of personal growth.”Liz Moorehead

“Consistency isn’t about doing all the things all the time—it’s about doing the right things at the right time.”Liz Moorehead

“Every step I’ve taken, every mistake I’ve made, has led me to this point—and that’s where my worth comes from.”Liz Moorehead

“My biggest fear is that something will happen to make me put the walls back up, undoing all the work I’ve done.”George B. Thomas

“Time isn’t something you can control, but you can learn to wrestle with it and make it work for you.”George B. Thomas

“The more you talk about something, the less scary it becomes. You shine a light on it, and it loses its power.”George B. Thomas

“Living a life with no walls means embracing discomfort, but it also opens the door to amazing possibilities.”George B. Thomas

“You can’t speak to trauma while you’re still living it. It takes time to gain perspective and ownership of your story.”Liz Moorehead

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