Beyond Your Default

4 Cornerstones of the Superhuman Framework by George B. Thomas

Written by Liz Moorehead | Oct 2, 2024 11:00:00 AM


I know for a lot of us, especially those of us who are always striving, always pushing for something bigger, it can feel like you’re doing all the “right” things, checking all the boxes, but still wondering:

"Why am I doing this?"

Or even worse, "Why doesn’t this feel as good as I thought it would?"

And that’s where these 4 Cornerstones of The Superhuman Framework come in—the topic of this week's episode. They’re the deeper, emotional drivers that ground us, that give all of those daily actions their meaning and momentum. Without them, it’s just motion without connection.

⚡Go Deeper: When Did Love Become So Uncool?

Today, we’re breaking down what these cornerstones are, why they matter so much, and how they can fundamentally change the way you approach everything in your life—whether it’s your relationships, your career, or just how you feel when you wake up in the morning.

What Are the 4 Cornerstones of The Superhuman Framework?

  • Love: Not just love for other people, but love for yourself, for the work you do, for the life you’re building. It’s that deep connection that fuels everything else—because if you don’t love what you’re doing, if you don’t have love for the people you’re doing it with, what’s even the point?

  • Purpose: This one’s huge, and honestly, it’s the one most people get stuck on. Purpose is that underlying why behind everything. It’s the thing that drives you when you’re exhausted or ready to tap out. But finding it? Yeah, that can be messy, and it can change over time. We’re going to talk about how to define it—and more importantly, how to redefine it when life shifts.

  • Passion: Passion is the fire. It’s what gets you excited to show up and do the work, even when it’s hard or when it feels like you’re not getting anywhere. But let’s be real—passion isn’t always this huge, burning thing 24/7. Sometimes it’s more like a slow burn, and that’s okay. We’ll talk about how to find it, nurture it, and keep it alive without burning yourself out.

  • Persistence: Ah, the one no one likes to talk about but everyone needs. Persistence is what keeps you going when things get rough—and spoiler alert, things will get rough. This isn’t about toxic hustle culture or grinding yourself into the ground. It’s about staying the course, showing up when it counts, and knowing when to rest so you can keep going.

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This framework isn’t some magical checklist you follow, and suddenly life is all sunshine and rainbows. It’s not. We’re human. Life is messy, and honestly, I’ve spent enough time getting it wrong to know that these cornerstones are less about always getting it right and more about giving yourself something to hold onto when things get hard.

In fact, both George and I know what it’s like to feel stuck, to feel disconnected from the things that are supposed to bring you joy and fulfillment. And if you’re feeling that way right now, if you’re out here grinding, showing up every day but something feels off—this episode is for you.

We’re going to break it all down. We’re going to talk about what these cornerstones really mean, and how to integrate them into your life without feeling overwhelmed.

Growth Topics We Cover

personal growth, superhuman framework, love, purpose, passion, persistence, self-care, life design, emotional intelligence, resilience

Highlights from Our Conversation

  • What the Four Cornerstones Actually Are: We break down each cornerstone—love, purpose, passion, and persistence—what they mean, why they’re so important, and how they anchor the 10 H pillars of the Superhuman Framework.

  • How Love Shows Up in Every Part of Your Life: We’re not talking about the romantic kind (though, sure, that can be part of it). It’s about love for the work you do, the people you serve, and even yourself. We dive into why love is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive rather than just survive.

  • Defining Purpose Without Overcomplicating It: Purpose is one of those things that can feel really abstract and hard to pin down. We talk about why that happens and how to simplify the process of figuring out your purpose—even when life feels overwhelming or unclear.

  • Why Passion Isn’t Always a Fire: Let’s be real: passion isn’t always this burning, all-consuming thing. Sometimes it’s quieter, more like a slow burn. We discuss how to keep that passion alive, even during those times when life feels mundane or tough.

  • Persistence Without the Burnout: We tackle the myth that persistence means pushing yourself until you’re burned out and exhausted. Instead, we focus on what real persistence looks like—knowing when to keep going and when to rest—so you can stay the course without falling apart.

  • How to Start Applying These Concepts Without Feeling Overwhelmed: Integrating the Four Cornerstones into your life doesn’t happen overnight. We talk through practical steps you can take right now to start working these ideas into your daily life without feeling like it’s another thing on your to-do list.

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